12 Aug Training Launch for Trinidad & Tobago NIPTC
WIPO Academy, in partnership with the Intellectual Property (IP) Office of Trinidad and Tobago organized the first “training of trainers” session from July 8 to 12, as part of the joint project to establish the National Intellectual Property Training Centre (NIPTC) of Trinidad and Tobago.
The NIPTC will strengthen the provision of intellectual property (IP) services across the country to support Trinidad and Tobago’s Vision 2030, alongside its industrial policies and initiatives to develop the national creative sectors. The NIPTC will initially offer introductory and professional development training in IP. A series of meetings were held throughout the week with different stakeholders to more clearly define the priority training needs of the country.
The project also has the support of the Honorable Faris Al Rawi M.P., Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the University of the West Indies St. Augustine, the University of Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI). The WIPO Academy is supporting Trinidad and Tobago’s NIPTC through training their trainers to better equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to later train specific national audiences, in addition to developing its curriculum, business plan, and a national IP library.
Further training sessions for the NIPTC in Trinidad and Tobago are planned over the next two years.
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